Calling all Browncoats!! - Crazy idea?

Jun 05, 2007 18:18

The fandom bug has bitten me, hard! I've got this crazy idea that I'm not sure I can pull off, and if I do decide to go ahead with it, I'm going to need a lot of help.

First things first. Is there an existing collection (ie. Wiki, website, etc.) that lists all things and everything having to do with the comings and goings of Browncoats (activities, meetups, cons, charity events, local Browncoat groups, etc.)?  If so, none of the rest of this post matters.  If not, I really, really, really am thinking about creating a Wiki specifically by Browncoats, for Browncoats, and about Browncoats. (Not a Firefly wiki, I am fully aware that exists already!)

Why a Wiki, you ask? Mainly because gathering all of this information will be a huge undertaking and will need something more flexible than just a standard website. Also, I want it to be something that all Browncoats can contribute to.

Please fill out this itty-bitty poll and leave me any thoughts, comments, and/or suggestion below. Thanks!!!

(BTW: LJ's poll function is being a total bitca -- so leave all your answers in the comments)

Do you think this is a good idea/useful, etc?

Maybe (see Comments)

Would you be willing to help get it started?

Maybe (see Comments)

browncoats, bc wiki, fandom, poll

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