I'm only human, and I've got something to say...

Aug 22, 2005 11:39

So, here I am, being a very bad roomie, and using Ryan's computer like a bastard all over the place. And let. Me. Tell. You. It is some damn good times

This update might be short cuz I'm only on my lunch break. I gots like....10 minutes!? WOO HOO!!

So yeah...work...getting kinda lame. I was told that I wouldn't be a full time cashier because they were very 'tight' on hours. Only to find out from everyone (and I do mean everyone) that works there, that the front end is indeed needing cashiers. Badly. What the crap is that? Why didn't they just say in the very beginning that they needed someone for the GM position, mainly because their full time employee is going to Spain for a month, and then they'd let me be a cashier every now and then? That's total crap. And it took me a friggen week just to get a black shirt so I don't look like an idiot running around in a bright white garment, stocking stupid tampons. Which is my life passion by the way. And stocking douche.

Living in SLO has been pretty fun. Not really doing anything social. I enjoy laying around. It's wonderful. I do it because I can. The parents wouldn't really let me lay around in bed all day (even though I would lay around elsewhere...it was in disguise). Eitherway, it's fun. I like having a constant companion around when I need to point out that I did something stupid, funny, or embarassing...which really, all three go hand in hand with me. I can do something stupid without it being funny...and embarrassing. Having a blast having indoor kitties. Godji drives me NUTS when I'm trying to sleep though. He keeps trying to get in my face, and I haven't the slightest idea as to why. The first time I really just sat there and gaves him love, he went inSANE. He's been hooked on me ever since. Well...ever since he shoved his face in my ear anyway. That little nose can go in the ear canal pretty far...and no, it doesn't tickle at all...or feel insanely akward....little black kitty face in your ear...not at all. His boyfriend (Ryan's cat, Bali) is pretty darn cute. Little cross eyed monster. They're fun. We catch em spooning or licking each other all the time. Kitty porn. We should record it. Gotta be a market out there somewhere for that, right? I mean come on..there's a market for feces. POOP

HUNG OUT WITH...caps lock...Hung out with Robert last night. Went out the middle of NOWHERE! I thought it was bad enough living four miles out of town, but I think the closest thing to those houses is an all you can eat buffet of deer. THAT'S IT! Maybe a neighbor if you squint and stare out long enough. He was housesitting, anyway. And the peoples therr had two jack russells. TWO OF EM! They were SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE! Oh MAN! They were loving all up on meeeee...licking at my faaaace...biting my chiiiin....getting dust all over my bling bling shirrrrrt...it was wonderful. I love doggses. Unfortunatly...they were locked up in a kennel. Which is WRONG with jack russells! That's why they have such a bad rep for being crazy....people think they can just lock em up...poor babies...they need to run FREEEEE!!!!!!!!!.....FREEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, lunch time is drawing to a close so I shall now think of a WONDERFUL closing (that caps lock key keeps getting stuck and I don't even try to push it...) Quote of the day: "HI BALD SPOT!" Me. In the middle of aisle 11. Luckily he was in the row faarrrrr away from me. Cuz I don't think he'd find it as funny as I did. Oh well...
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