Jun 26, 2005 21:51
this is not a good song for me to listen to...but oh well.
things have been alright...or as good as they could be considering my job is sorta getting on my nerves and my boy is like a bagillion miles away and i talk to him every couple days...but i get payed hella well and i get to see him in 6 days, so its not too bad.
so mommy and daddy are letting me go to virginia next weekend and im excited times a million. and he doesnt know so its a surprise and its gonna be great. im so incredibly ready to see him again. i miss him like crazy whoa. but im a little nervous too...im scared that its not gonna be the perfect trip im hoping for and something will go wrong and ill leave all depressed and thatll be the last time i see him till end of august. so for now im hoping for the best.
this weekend has been pretty chill. friday night went out with mr. noah. and that was very nice cause ive missed him. and we ate and drove and talked and it was fun. went to sammi's house with steph and calvin later on...we chilled.
it was nice to get out of the house and get my mind off stuff for a little while.
yesturday i went out to lunch with alan's mommy and his little brother, and then we drove around the city taking pictures of me in random spots so we could send them out to alan and play the "where's jess game" kinda random, but itll give him something to do and yea. it was crazy hot.
then last night i went out with mommy and daddy to see mr and mrs smith..it was very good. it made me happy.
today i went shopping with my momma and we did hella amounts of damage and that made me very happy. and i went to church tonight with penith and it was good to be there again. i hadnt been in a really long time. and then my friend sarah came over for a little bit. she just got back from london and she brought me the cutest teddy bear key chain and we talked a lot about all sorts of stuff....im glad we got to talk cause we've never actually hung out like we've said we should. so hopefully we will now.
tomorrow is work...GAY...then salsa and im excited. cause that means only 5 more days till i leave.
so other than that im just chillin and tryin to figure out the whole college thing. fau is very complicated for some reason...but yea, thats about it. so peace.