Referrals idea

Sep 07, 2007 18:30

So I had some ideas conscerning programs/groups where you refer people in order to benefit from them (like the lottery, bingo games, MLMs, pyramid schemes, etc). I don't want to rig anything or be seen as a scam artist. I don't work for anyone, let alone any advertising groups. Okay so there's my disclaimer, on to my ideas:

I am considering a project where I would form a small group of people to be involved in referral programs with one another. I'm even sort of interested in the idea of funding such a group, just to see how well some referral type promotions could work. If I find some good ones, who knows, maybe I'll be able to get my friends some money or a gift and possibly get my money back in turn. That would be the ideal goal for this- that or perhaps stumble onto a program/promotion where we could all help one another make decent profits.

What I am NOT interested in...
1. Stealing from my friends
2. Being responsible for people losing money because I thought investment "xyz" was a good idea
3. People who are not team players
4. Taking advantage of respectable (especially smaller) businesses or groups who are ethical and offer nice incentives to their customers in order to get business.
5. Breaking any laws (or at least getting caught, hahaha)

What I AM interested in...
1. Seeing success in my project, defined by the idea that I seek out promotions, tell my friends about them, have us all join in the promotion, get some sort of nice gift or some cash and then pull out of said program
2. Conducting such a project in a legal manner
3. Helping spread the ideology of a helpful, beneficial community

Scams Suck!
Have you ever been involved in anything similar to a pyramid scheme or an MLM business? Only those who get in at the beginning of such a scheme see any sort of profit out of it all. This selfish sort of opportunism helps only the greedy.
I've never been involved in a pyramid scam or MLM and I don't think I ever would want to be involved in such a shady idea.

Do you know how much state-approved money goes from our lottery into the government spending? Quite a bit, just like the taxed money people win when they are the luckiest of huge groups- no one gets a break.
I can read about where the money the government took from lotteries ended up at, since I'm from Virginia. I'm pretty sure each state has its own similar site. (like "www.*StateAbrieviation*lottery .com")
Do you personally know anyone who ever won the lottery? I don't. I'm not saying its a hoax, but I know the odds of you getting lucky and getting back what you put into a lottery, let alone any exceptional amount, are ludicrous. I can think of easier ways for you to get struck by lightning.

A while back I saw these websites where if you involved yourself in so many subscriptions or bought from particular websites, these people claimed to give you such high end, wonderful gifts. I was dumb enough to try one out, just curious what it could get me. Later these things were debunked as scams, since the people who did end up following through didn't always get any kind of gifts from these mysterious figures. I think the problem here was lack of contact information *shrug* Anyway, this was a stupid scam that must have worked to some extent for the people who promised the masses shiney new gifts- I know two of my friends who tried out these websites as well as myself. We're so stupid :p ...and someone made money off of our stupidity. Imagine selling idiots for a living, you'd be a rich person if you lived around the kind of people I do!

My idea, a project I would like to try out is to form a small group of people who all have a similar goal in mind- to get something out of a company which requires referrals. I would want this group to have a small amount of people who had some common bond, so that they would not be worried about scams. I'm not trying to develop a scam, simply suggesting that people CAN profit from referral groups when they work as a team.

So lets say I find a handful of people who agree that spending $10 a month is worth it, if within a couple of months they get back a greater sum or maybe some nice little gift. I guess what a person could get from such a group would depend on what the group targets in sense of referrals.

I can think of two good ways to ensure that each person of such a group would receive the same 'rewards'.
For Gifts: -My first idea would be that each person in the group discusses on their group's forum a referral program that looks nice to them. They say "I pick this promotion" and then sign up as the initial user or a service or product, whatever the case. Then the other members of the group would refer that person one after the other until the entire group has essentially been referred to a product/company by the original person. The original person meets their quota or goal or whatever they want, then discontinues whatever service they are getting, as do the rest of the people in the group whom they referred. This idea could be a sort of round-robin deal where everyone tries out a different promotion of some sort. Then each referred person would pick another promotion and the first person would sign up for all of their referrals, until everyone got a shot at something they'd like.

For Cash: -My second idea would work well with financial prizes, that is, everyone would simply pool their rewards into one group and then the rewards could be split evenly. This would not work well with gift rewards I'd imagine, but should work okay with financial gifts from different companies.

So yeah the way I describe this it sounds convoluted and shady right? Oh well, not sure how to put it without sounding like a scam artist. One of the types of places where I think a small group of people working together could benefit from some sort of program would be like They've been around for a while and people have seen returns from their efforts (our internet is polluted with scam artists so its nice to see an established affiliate group like this). Check out as an example, and as you look at it I want you to ask yourself- if I had a handful of other people who would all sign up for something and refer me, what would I gain personally? You know why my idea sounds so criminal- its because its just like the idea behind the lottery :P

you're it!, referral group

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