Mar 21, 2008 23:48
I live in a valley so I don't get any the bad weather. The coldest it gets is 55 degrees at night. Right now it's 1149 pm and it's 73. The fatass apartment keeper hasn't opened our pool yet and I want to feed her a grenade becuase she sucks. Our new fridgerator is worse than the old one, but Jon put seashell lights on my wall and they're the shit. And I'm working 6 days a week so I can get april 6- 13 off becuase Adrienne will be here. And by coincidence Nick is coming the 5 to the 11th so it's gonna be a real sweet week. I'm not tan yet becuase I work too much. But I make good money and it doens't snow here. Our weather forcast on the news is 7 sunshines in a row all the time. I need an Illinois tax form