Mar 19, 2010 18:33
Wow... time really does fly, doesn't it? Just one more day...
And I could complain about how totally unfair it is that my last couple days of freshman year were spent fighting mailbox monsters as a magical girl instead of hanging out with friends, but I have something way more important to tell you all about.
...I've decided. I'm going to go back into show business. Sempai, he really helped me... no, all of you helped me see what kind of person I really am, and because I have all of you behind me, I feel like I'm ready to decide things for myself. It's kinda contradictory, isn't it? Because of everyone's help, I've gotten to the point where I can be true to who I really am. And I really do love performing, and entertaining people, and even though I love living here and helping out at the shop... I want to be on a stage.
Geez, I'm getting all teary, I'm just gonna finish this up... I'm not leaving right away, don't worry! I've still got a lot of preparation to do, and I can talk to my manager and everyone right from here online or with my cell phone, and Okina city has actually got a lot of really good music instructors to help me polish my skills again. But... I'm probably going to be back in Tokyo by the middle of summer.
And once I am, everyone cheer for me, okay? Cheer for the Risette who's finally able to show her real smile.