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May 24, 2008 23:13

and i have just got back frm the trip to Mummy Juls and Airport. it wasnt that bad, but of course, i whined a lil when i reached Chai Chee, sitting silently in the car, with my arms crossed (yes i knw, disgustingly annoying) , whn i realised that we are going to Jurong and Jurong Bird Park is COULD prolly be in jurong, i broke into a smile. and i said " darlin, is Jurong birdpark in Jurong?" he smiled back, thanking Allah that i din prolong the unreasonable sulking, and said " yes, darlin. hari tu u pergi dgn d kids, u dint see the route?" and i said "no" and i went on and on and on talking about pelicans, eagles, and ostriches. and the prettiest mandarin duck i want him to see.

then i started to see familiar faces, the aunts, the forever cheerful aunts and they were teasing and joking, and i silently wished, if only i had this kind of family. but my family tree is not any taller or bigger than the mimosa plant.

then, we went to Changi Airport, i met his aunties, and according to him, when he was at the hospital, he was hugged and kissed, and his aunt said "nanti dah kahwin, lagi lah tak nampak achap" and his mom was there and his father was there, and we all went home in the humble car. when i am in an environment, that has too many unfamiliar faces in an enclosed area (like a car, a room etc) i will have the urge to cry for mama. yes, even if achaps arnd.

while we were in the car, they were teasing about how clueless i am, of the standard of living in a kampung. db claimed that his aunts house, which is apparently built with planks of wood, they rear chickens and cows and have a ladang padi, also has a washing machine and microwave oven. i, of course laugh at it and accused him of fooling and goofing around. because with him, you have no idea when hes serious. i told him that it just doesnt match. i giggled at the fact that the whole house will be quaking from the movement of the washing machine. and he said, there isnt any proper road or even traffic light, and it confirmed my thoughts, if there isnt any proper road, hw on earth did the appliances got into the kampung, and he said " pakai lembu2 tu lah tarik" and in spite, he told the rest of the passengers in the car, that i refused to believe, and of course, they started laughing. at me.they came up with theories that, this is no longer zaman bujang lapok, dah modern and stuffs. and i obstinately think, that kampung is kampung. until i see it with my own eyes, that the makcik memanaskan lauk asam pedas ikan dan sayur di dalam gelomabang ketuhar dan mencuci pakaian seragam anak2 di dalam mesin pencuci, i wont budge.

and i start labelling him as 'mat kampung jalan bedek'.

i have reminded db again and again, that going out at 9pm after isyak and head home at maybe, 2am in the morning of even 4am in the morning, is one of the important things that he will do with me, after the nikah. i have waited 26 years for that to happen :)

Lets all get over the Lv, and Gucci, and Coach and Burberry and Tiffany and Tods and Dior, not that i/we can afford it anyway.. and furthermore, ini semua harta dunia...Kan lebih baik simpan duit utk beli perkakas rumah.. gelombang ketuhar, tikar mengkuang, sarong bantal, cadar dan kain lap kaki.. lebih manfaat...

and i cant wait for all the glamourous purchases...
Tini, lets do this together :)
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