Nov 19, 2005 20:55
So the letter sent to my friend came back. Stink. That means I'll have to ask for the correct address, thus ruining the surprise. Ah well! It'll still be nice.
I ordered new shoes.
Pumas and some keds.
Looking forward to their arrival.
Cute white winter shoes.
And though material goods are nothing for they will one day be dust, it is fun to get new ones every now and then. ^_____________^ So yay! ♥
Video gamessss.
Tomorrow I'll go to church, come home, grab a snack, and then head to work 2.
Monday I'll go to work 1, come home, and then go to my other work again.
Tuesday it'll just be work 2.
Wednesday, work 2.
Thurday, Thanksgiving, and then work 2.
Friday, work 2. Probably start shedding some insides, if you know what I mean.
Saturday, work 2.
I hope I can get some Einstein Bros. and some Jamba Juice this week.
Maybe a little Subway or some salads with Italian dressings.
Eating better and running around makes you feel so much better. It really is worth it.