
Jul 27, 2009 12:16


Brett and I celebrated our FIVE year Anniversary on July 25th. That was pretty cool. It's awesome that we have made it this far. I mean, yeah we have our scrabbles and fights, but we still love eachother, and I guess reaching a five year mark, really exhibits that.

So...Brett got this promotion and a $4 raise at Changs a while back. Apparently every couple of years a National Pf Changs gets to choose someone to be a store trainer. Well...apparetnly this year is SPokane's Pf Changs. So...they decided to choose Brett. Which is pretty kool, in that he's only been working there 6mo and he surpassed all the other employees that had been working there for years. So..thats a big deal. Well...the training for that is in  Denver,CO sometime in November. would be extremely selfish of me to make him move with me...and turn down a great opportunity. So..we agreed to stay until around December. it turns out there is this beautiful condo penthouse suite ( ...that I really want. Downside is it's a 1 year lease. Soooooo....I decided to SUCK up Spokane a bit longer. And go for it.

So..whether my application is accepted or not..who knows. But yeah...whatev *crosses fingers*

In other news..I have a job. I am a AT&T Customer Service Rep. It pays $10.50/hr. So..eventually I will get a job in my actual career field..cuz this shit STANKS! No worries..such is life.  I mean..I have to pay out of pocket for Grad school...since my parents paid ALL of my Undergrad plus lots of spending money AND a new car. Soo...yeah. Seems fair. Staying in Spokane gives me a chance to save up.

I think things will be okey....
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