
Jun 22, 2009 14:53 life as  I know it has changed.

First off, I finished out my two weeks notice at Starbucks at the of the 18th. I had an interview at the MLK Center a while back, and they said that I would start working next week. the meantime I have been doing nothing but watching pirated movies online, and sipping on AJ. My life is sooooooooo boring right now. I just want to pack up all my stuff and head to Oregon...RIGHT NOW. I'm so done with Washington.
Brett's work schedule is so lame..that basically he works at 9am then gets off around 7 or 8pm, so by then he's too tired to do anything. So we just watch cartoon episodes online, and fall asleep. B-o-r-i-n-G!

I suppose I could make an effort to hang out with my friends a bit more during the day, when Bretts working. Buuut my bed is just sooooo snug and warm. Why leave it?

Anywho, I'm due for a Cherrios refill...laterz!

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