Como prueba de que mi estado mental no ha mejorado en absoluto con el nuevo año, aquí traigo la lista de Big Bangs a la que, pasados a penas 20 días de enero, ya estoy apuntada ^^ (Y algo me dice que conforme pasen los meses, irá en aumento XDDD)
- Syfy Big Bang - Gabriel Big Bang - Crossover Big Bang - Merlin Big Bang - Crowley Big Bang - Due South C6D Big Bang - Supernatural Gen Big Bang - Supernatural Crossover Big Bang - Case Story Big Bang - Scifi Big Bang -
Author & Artists Sign Ups - CLOSE
Artist Claiming - DONE
Art and Fics Due - DONE
Posting Schedule posted - DONE
Posting Starts - February 18th
gabriel_bigbang |
Timeline |
Sign-Ups |
FAQ Artist Sign Ups Close: CLOSE
Artists Claims: DONE
Art Drafts Due: February 25th
Posting Begins: March 7th
Como el propio nombre indica, éste big bang se centra en crossovers ^^
Author Sign Ups - January 16th to February 20th
Checkpoint #1 - February 11th
Checkpoint #2 - March 11th
Checkpoint #3 - April 9th
Rough Drafts Due - April 20th
Artist Claiming - April 23rd
Art and Fics Due - May 23rd
Posting Schedule Up - May 27th
Posting Starts - June 3rd
{ Feb 1st } - Writer Sign Ups open
{ Feb 1st } - Artist Sign Ups open
{ Feb 1st } - Beta Reader Sign Ups open
{ Feb 1st } - Cheerleader Sign Ups open
{ Feb 28th } - Writer Sign Ups close
{ Feb 28th } - Cheerleader Sign Ups close
{ March 4th-7th } - Writer/cheerleader matching.
{ March 25th } - First mandatory writer check-in.
{ April 25th } - Artist Sign Ups close.
{ April 29th-30th } - Anonymous story summaries posted for artists to view.
{ May 1st-2nd } - Artist/writer matching.
{ May 13th } - Second mandatory writer check-in.
{ June 17th } - Mandatory artist/writer check-in.
{ June 20th } - Beta request post opens.
{ June 27th } - Rough drafts due to be submitted.
{ July 17th-24th } - Final mandatory check-in for writers and artists.
{ August 1 } - Big Bang goes live!!!
Sign-Up |
Schedulecrowley_bigbang Artist Sign Ups Opens: January 15th
Artist Sign Ups Close: May 13th
Artists Claims: May 18th
Art Rough Drafts Due: June 20th
Final Story/Art Due: July 20th
Posting Begins: July 25th
Éste big bang es uno de los más curiosos que he visto hasta ahora XDD
Si no lo he entendido mal XDDDD gira en torno a la serie "Due South", y engloba toda otra serie en la que haya particidado uno de sus actores principales. La lista de series que se pueden "cruzar" con la ya citada Due South es bastante amplia y contiene 4 que me han resultado más que apetecibles (Supernatural, Smallville, Tin Man y La Femme Nikita).
Sign up starts November 28, 2010
Sign up closes December 31, 2010
Summaries for artists due June 15, 2011
Rough drafts (of 20k) due June 15, 2011
Artists choices made by June 22, 2011
Final drafts due July 31, 2011
Final art due July 31, 2011
Go-live starts August 6, 2011
Writer sign-ups are open until March 15th.
First check-in is May 17th.
Second check-in is June 14th.
Artist sign-ups are open until July 15th.
Rough drafts are due July 15th.
Artists will claim stories on July 20th.
Posting begins on September 5th.
Come and joine Round 3 at the
Cross Supernatural over with any fandom, 15,000 word minimum.
FAQs and Rules Author Sign Ups |
Artists Sign Ups Author Sign Ups - January 11th to February 20th
Checkpoint #1 - February 11th
Checkpoint #2 - March 11th
Checkpoint #3 - April 8th
Rough Drafts Due - April 20th
Artist Claiming - April 23rd
Art and Fics Due - May 23rd
Posting Schedule Up - May 27th
Posting Starts - June 3rd
casestory casestory casestory *
scifibigbang *
scifibigbang *
Februrary 1: Author Sign-Ups Begin
February 1: Artist Sign-Ups Begin
February 28: Author Sign-Ups End
March 1: Writing Time Begins
April 1: Author Check-In #1
April 1: Beta Sign-Ups Begin
May 1: Author Check-In #2
June 1: Author Check-In #3
June 30: Writing Time Ends
June 30: Artist Sign-Ups End
July 1: Rough Drafts Due
July 1: Artist Claims Begin
July 16: Beta'd stories are due
July 17: Work on Edits
August 1: Art/Stories Due
Eso es todo por el momento ^^ *sata cruza los dedos y reza al cielo, pidiéndole a Chuck que se apiade y no sea todo slash* XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD