Title: "The Shadows of her Broken Heart"
fireinmyboness Artist:
satavaisa Genre/type: Het
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Damon/Elena, Damon/Elena/Stefan/Katherine, Katherine/Stefan, Elena/Katherine
Rating: pg 13, t, but very strong!
Warnings: Strong language, violence, sexual content
Summary: Elena finally makes her choice... not that she doesn't know who she wants to be with, but when Katherine arrives back into town she finds herself being drawn into her games. Slowly Elena comes around and begins to understand her, resent her, and then finally hate her; so why does it appear she has fallen for her charms?
Why do they all have to live and will you see everyone survive?
Link to fic: (part one)
http://community.livejournal.com/losingyourheart/1126.html **************************************************************************************************************************
(& the first try...)
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