Growing Old and Tripping over Grace

Jan 25, 2010 08:00

Growing old and tripping over grace. Harley and I were listening to the radio on our way to take care of some shopping, and it was a Classic Rock station. When Black Hole Sun by the Soundgarden came on. I mentioned this is ohh this is one of the songs I like, and have not heard it in a while. I then said wait a minute this is not classic rock. Harly laughed and said this is almost 20 years old dear we are just getting older. I pouted and said bite your tongue. By the way it is 16 years old to be exact. *Boggles*... We continued to listen to the good music they had on that station, and were discussing, some of the old MoTown hits he likes will be almost 70 years old when Tosh is 18/20 years old. I notice I go along life not thinking about getting older, just liking what I like, and disliking what I don't like. However, I have I guess what maybe considered lucid moments where I realize where I am in the universe and get stunned every once in a while by my revelations: like I am getting older and music that I thought and still think is good is considered old. So instead of Growing old Gracefully, I am growing Old and tripping over grace as it were.
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