(no subject)

Aug 20, 2007 01:28

I never come home anymore, and because of this my mom wants to take me away to New York for the Christmas season thing. ?
I guess that's dope. It'll be differernt to be there in the Winter instead of the horrid, hot muggyness of the summers there.
But yeah. I'll have to spend time with like, family. We all know how amazing that can be. Especially when the majority from that side are all crazy fucking german/ukrainian ASSHOLES who tell you that your clothes are a tad too "extreme" and accuse 95 year old grandpas of stealing cooking sherry.
But, I must admit. Spending new years in Times Square...be quite an experience. Quite.
Cold as fuck, but this will be the last of our infamous trips my mom and I have always taken and shit together. After this, there's no more. I'm blossoming right infront of your eyes. I'm becoming a real man.
Work sucks. And I don't necessarily mean MY work, I just mean that I despise all work in general.
Not really, helps keep me in line.
But working 8 days solid and then seeing that I only get tuesday/wednesday off really fucking bites it. Especially when I'm only supposed to be part-time.
fuck restaurants. I always come out covered in tea and sticky pastry shit. Which honestly, I don't realllyy mind (c'mon, tea), but the other day I had some fucking fat british chick come up to me and was all "There seems to be a problem with the elevator. It took THREE MINUTES for the door to close on me! Oh and this KEY does NOT work for the bathroom!"
Then all was silent, as she just stared at me as if I were supposed to go pull a wrench out of my ass and decide to educate myself to become a technician and fucking repair the elevator door.
I wanted to punch her in the face. But instead I smiled real sweet and told her all apologies, but I have nothing to do with the elevators and gave her another key.
Honestly, some people.
Anyway, I don't even want to talk about work.
uh so, ahhhhhh everything else is pretty cool.
I'm getting everything I want right now. And I really jsut mean that.
There could be one thing I would trade for all that I have now, but It's become more like a really great dream that I'll never fully be able to make a reality. I should have gave up and just stopped while I was still ahead, but I suppose I never really was.

My body is covered in scratches and I've had way too much Tales from the Crypt and beer.

Apparently it takes 50 minutes for my chicken wings to cook.
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