May 18, 2007 16:37
I guess...
tonight, I plan to drown all my sorrows in 2 flats of cheap beer.
Might not drown the demons, but it'll at least tell them to piss off in a way that I can only imagine will be quite rude.
Good enough.
Today is one of those days. You know the ones. The kind that makes you feel like you should be busting out the seams with happiness, only you're not. And the sky is gray, and you know the rain is coming just when you plan on stepping foot outside.
Yet, little birdies are still chirping away. Doesn't necessarily mean they're happy, just means they're doing what they gotta do. What they do best. Chirp?
I mean, if they just like, don't bother getting up at 5 am, finding food for their little babies or whatever and themselves, then they die. Simple as that.
Maybe it's the same with me. The domino effect. If I don't learn to find a reason to get out of bed in the morning, go to school, do what I need to do, then I'll truly be a hobo couch surfing smelly punkass who eats cheerios.
That, will suck.
So, I'll think of the birds, if all else fails. They have to get up at a certain time. Every living thing does in order to look after themselves and thier offspring. So why should I be an exception to the holy order of life?