Jan 27, 2005 00:05
I post on here so irregularly I've forgotton how to write posts. I just used to sit and type and now I have to think about it.
Um.... Had a nice birthday yesterday got cool things like an Ipod and DVDs. Didn't do very much yesterday but it was very cool and did other fun things..
Have been copying my files on to the Ipod - I didn't realise how much stuff I had and that's just the downloaded stuff. I've still got to copy my cds.
Got my Passport yesterday and I feel like a proper English person now. I want to go travelling and get on aeroplanes and things.
Not much other then that, went to see the Science Museum last Saturday and they had a Sainsbury's carrier on display. So that would mean we have a cupboard full of historical scientific artefacts.
Anyway speaking of historical artefacts, I reached 28 yesterday eeek!! Dunno how that happened.