So it appears that my car was broken into last night. My poor, unsuspecting, helpless Honda was parked outside my buddy Nick's shop and when I came out that evening I noticed the door was unlocked which I thought odd as I have some sort of robotic OCD about locking the door. I opened the door and noticed the face plate to my car stereo was sitting in my driver's seat. As the 80's song goes, "things that make you go hmmm"? So I'm gonna play detective and propose a few possible scenarios.
1.Someone broke in the car with the intention of stealing my stereo, started the job and then fled because something spooked him/her.
2. He broke into my car, realized my stereo was totally lame and decided it was not worth their time.
3. The burglar was beaten by a neighborhood watch gang of gnome vigilantes who leave no trace of their handy work behind.
They just spotted a gnome in Argentina so don't count out the latter scenario.
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I knew these creepy little fuckers were real. All hail our new master THE WICKED GNOME KING!!!