I like how the Democratic primaries are shaping up to be nearly as controversial as the 2000 presidential election and once again this could all come down to Florida. For those who don't keep up with all this nonsense, both Florida and Michigan broke the rules by moving their primaries up and the DNC told them that their actions would cost them their delegates. Both states had their primaries anyway, Obama and Edwards were not on the ballot in Michigan and neither one of them campaigned in Florida at all, Hillary however did. That's why Hillary won both of those by large margins, there weren't other choices.
Now she wants those delegates seated and both states are fighting the DNC to get those delegates there. They want the DNC to pay for another primary election in their respective states, which the DNC is not going to do and Howard Dean has said they are not going to do this. You can't change the rules halfway through the game. All the players agreed to these rules before the starting pistol was fired and Hillary snaked around them. Now she wants the rules to change in her favor.
This is going to get nasty but the most important aspect of a person's character can be seen when they are down in the muck fighting to survive; do they lose all their morals and their integrity to pull themselves out or do they stay true to a moral code or ethos if you will. I respect John McCain more than Hillary Clinton, I don't want John McCain to win but at least he stands by what he believes in and I respect that. I do not respect politicians who do not live by a code of some kind. The Clinton's play dirty to win, that I can live with but this is a horse of a different color. This is cheating, politics is a game and at the end of the day this is the worst offense of them all when playing a game. Lying I expect but cheating, a completely unacceptable character trait. Bill Clinton and her were good people when they started but they got dragged through the muck by the GOP so bad that they want redemption and they want it no matter the moral cost.
I'm talking about Ethics!