Jun 12, 2005 22:23
I love Zeppelin. Anyways... I have had a lot of good go down recently, involving me and pretty much only me. Here it is...
Wednesday(6-8-05)- I got my nipples pierced. Heres the story... I got there and i had an appointment so i HAD to get it done. So i was preping my mind for the pain(i heard a lot of people had tears come to their eyes and shit) so i was a lil nervous. I had an apprentice do mine, so that didnt really help my nerves any, but shewas nice and did a good job. The clamps most definitely hurt the worse and she ahd trouble getting them on my left nipple. The needle went through rather smoothly and she was talking to me(didnt do the typical breathing, you know the one-two-three breath and poke routine) so that was weird. But she drew my attention to my nipple and it bothers me to see needles in me, so that sucked, but she got that all done. The right one sucked ass.She couldnt get the damn needle through. The clamp went on good and everything, but she didnt get the needle to go through smoothly. so it hurt a lil more, but it was a very enjoyable pain. All in all it wasnt bad, could have been better, but its done and they are okay.
AND I got my permit, So i must start growing up.. *tear
Thursday through Sunday- Mountain Dew Action Sports Tour. from the 9-12. It was great. I had a blast. I also got to see one of my most anticipated concerts, The Offspirng. And they kick ass live, sounds just like the CD. It was truely superb... Plus I had a lil action go down with 3 chics, different times though... I felt bad for a bit(I hate my conscience)
Well Im gonna go do 'stuff' alone...