Jul 28, 2007 14:10
Despite what some people say about me and the mistakes I've made in the past, although it's only human to make mistakes, I'm overall a nice out-giving guy.
The kind of guy who would give out a few dollars if he could spare it, hell even if he couldn't he would still do it.
The kind of guy who would drive someone somewhere although he knows he shouldn't use his gas because he'll need it later on, buy someone something because they ask or because he feels bad, and offer to pay or help others when they need it although other amends could me taken.
I've been doing this the last view years. Being people's personal taxi or going out of my way to help others. And now I'm finally seeing in the end after everything I've done for all my friends and strangers not even a quarter I have given out has been returned back to me.
Life has no limit or span, as far as we all know we could die 5 seconds from now, 5mins, 5 hours, or even 5 years. Everyone knows this and I'll be damned if I die knowing I spent most of my time helping others more than myself and not even receive anything back for my effort and generosity.
Thus my actions will change from now on.
It seems whenever I share events or choices I'm going to take or have taken some people use it to their advantage for their own personal gain or against me.
So expect to know a lot less of what I'm going to do from now on except for those who need to know.
Expect my generosity to drastically drop thus don't bother asking me anything you can't do yourself and don't be surprised if I refuse to assist you in anyway.
The choices I make from now on will be what I want and for my own gain.
If you don't like it, to bad.
If you are really my friend you'll accept the choices I make because it's my life. I have some friends with some issues, immoral problems, trust issues etc. but I still stick by their side no matter what.
The reason for this explanation is so I won't have to explain myself 100 times.
And this diminishes the possibility of others converting what I say making it sound a lot worse than it really is.
That is all.