im pissed.

Mar 18, 2006 20:44

i need to rant. i need to rant like gir needs tacos. what the fuck?!?!?! tonight were suppoed to go to amanda's for a party for pookie, only it was a big fucking lie. we weren't supposed to go, pookie was just supposed to go and its fucking bullshit, dave should have said something in the begining and he didnt and what the fuck, he just wanted it to be "newington" people, cause yah know, like i never lived in newington, i never went to school with anyone of them, no, its not just the newington people, thats bullshit, its the fucking wallace crowd, its the fucking wallace crowd that i never hung out with, and i should have known better when dave said who was going to be there and where it was going to be that it meant that i wasn't fucking invited. so what else is new. except now his poor girlfriend has to not be invited too. fuckin a, and yes dave, your absolutely right, i have had pookie this whole month, but fuck you guys this is the most time him and i ever hung out toether in the entire years that i've known him. so fuck you guys, and great friends they are to fucking wait till last fucking minute to make plans with him. tomorrow he has his family day and monday he drives back to north carolina, he's been here since the fucking last week or so of febuary, what the fuck.. seriously, why do they wait so fucking long i dont get it. they never called to even say hi, and now they decide to fucking do something. well fuck you guys for not having the consideration to invite me too cause i went to school with all of you, and fuck you guys for not having the consideration to want to meet his girlfriend, and fuck you noelle for not being happy, i can't stand you anyways, and fuck you dave for not saying anything. im glad its just about pookie, cause its not like i wanted to hang out with any of them anyways, fuck this. this is why i moved out of that stupid town, cause all you guys are fucking fucked up. newington people. i was never invited to anything in the begning, why should things change now??? i should have known better, dave should have spoke up in the beginging, they shouldn't have waited till the last fucking second to plan something! ahhh im so pissed off and i held in tears quite a few times. bullshit bullshit bullshit. i dont know how else to describe it, so now laura and i are completly pissed off and theres no way to fucking fix this because dave's a jackass, but whatever, we didnt wanna fuckin go anyway, i dont wanna deal with noelle and neithor does laura. the simple fact that noelle said she didnt like the fact that joe was in a relationship to begin with didnt make laura comfortable. this is bullshit. i dont know what else to say ,but i needed to rant, i cant describe it. im angry, i'm hurt, i dont know what else to say, and dave said he didnt wanna be a dick about it, well it only made him look worse that he tells us 2 hours before were supposed to leave that they were only planning on joe going like "old times". WAY TO MAKE ME FEEL LIKE SHIT LIKE I WAS NEVER FRIENDS WITH ANY OF YOU GUYS THROUGH SCHOOL. fucking dave said it just kept getting bigger, fuck you. cause his girlfriend and 2 of his other friends wanna go. im glad no one has the fucking capacity in their brains to realize that im friends with you guys too, im from the same fucking town, i went to the same fucking highschool as u guys, i had classes and... fuckin' a.. i cant write anymore of this. i'll cry.

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