May 23, 2005 15:15
today was such a loserish day. i kind of hate the last few days of school. lots of people are just in such a bad mood and it gets everyone else in a bad mood, and pretty soon, the next thing you know - YOUR IN A BAD MOOD. dammit.
luckily, im not :D lol. so dont worry.
and you people seriously need to watch it with the hugging for a while. thanks. i appreciate the love you wanna send my way, but love hurts. especially with someone who has monster sunburn on her chest and stomach -points to self- yeah.
<3 you all though.
virtual hugs.
im really not looking forward to exams. god they suck so bad. beh. i know i'll be ok though. im in no danger of failing which is an awesome thing. hoosha go ronika.
:D ok im all done. i felt like updating more, but now i dont. so get over it.
mucho love you guys