Jun 24, 2006 16:04
so, ya know how I like to travel and whatnot. right? well, I'm off again. and how do I typically start a whirl wind adventure, well, by cutting out early and going to the rainbow gathering.We're gonna leave on monday or tueseday. it's gonna be me and sarra, and we're snatching up our friend scott and bringing him with us. He'll probably be bussing back, but not us, oh no. we're in it for the long haul. we're gonna see bulder after that, and pretty much figure it out as we go along after that point. We're going to be traveling around. if anyone wants to come out of the woodworks, and offer up a place to crash for a day or two ofcorse we're allways greatfull.
I know this is short and I've left some things out.
I'll try to update more fully later.