Dec 15, 2003 14:07
i told mr. hussein that if he wasnt going to pull his weight then i was going to pull it for him, and i did. churches all over america thanked God for his capture... well FUCK THEM! i'm the one they need to be thanking. and it all came down to a dolphin's game in the end. that son-of-a-bitch thought i couldnt get them to win and i did; a couple decades later he wants to call in a favor and frankly i'm tired of hearing it if he's not going to give me that $300 he owes me so forget that shit. what you didnt read in the papers is that i sent my boys over to tie him up and cover him balls deep in fire ants, damn one-sided military reporters never get anything right.
and those of you who think i've given up since i havnt updated in a long time... i've been spreading more sexually transmitted diseases in africa so leave me the hell alone, let me work for a few goddamned months and stop breaking my fuckin' balls!
[My name is]: satan, derr.
[in the morning I am]: what mornings do you mean? i mean, like 2 in the morning is good for sexual predators... but like 9 in the morning is better for hatred and rage.
[love is]: fuck love.
[I dream about]: i have that dream where i'm falling a lot. but i also hav e a lot of dreams about the crucifixion. :)
-W I T H .T H E. O P P O S I T E. S E X-
[what do you notice first?]: sin
[last person you slow danced with]: not many people are into the "dance with the devil" thing anymore... but i think burt reynolds sister at the party we had.
-W H O-
[do you have a crush on?]: sarah michelle gellar
[easiest to talk to]: the false prophet. i love you man!
-H A V E .Y O U .E V E R-
[fallen for your best friend]: haha, fallen that was REAL fucking cute assholes!
-W H O .W A S .T H E .L A S T. P E R S O N-
[you talked to on the phone]: seemingly the only time i get to talk on the phone is when i'm distracting teenagers in their cars and slamming them into school busses.
[hugged]: some jehovah's witness tried to give me a hug and my arms kinda burnt through their back.
[you instant messaged]: had to see if me and pacino were going to do go on that camping trip.
[you laughed with]: me and princess diana had a real laugh tampering with helicopters in the US hangers in iraq.
-D O .Y O U / / A R E .Y O U-
[could you live without the computer]: NO way!
[what's your favorite food?]: innocence
[whats your favorite fruit?]: i LOVE fags.
[what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain?]: go kill yourself... or go call yourself bad names... whichever you want according to your answers.
[trust others way too easily?]: i know the thoughts and feelings of anyone and everyone alive. FUCKING retards.
-N U M B E R-
[of times I have had my heart broken? ]: in 9th grade i screwed a preachers daughter but i later found out that she was just trying to get back at her dad...
[of hearts I have broken?]: if you only knew.
[of boys I have kissed?]: i'll leave that up to my priests.
[of girls I have kissed?]: 8,543,369,524,021,036,850,265,897,542
[of drugs taken illegally?]: i make drugs, i dont take them.
[of tight friends?]: 3: the beast, the false prophet, and danny devito.
[of scars on my body?]: umm... do you really think the prince of darkness has any scars?
[of things in my past that I regret?]: one time i saved this little girl from being raped and murdered and anton stopped talking to me for like a month. that shit was NOT worth it. and all those years i sang my ass off for that BITCH