Well... its 530AM and my turn ^_^

Jul 15, 2007 05:53

Instructions: Each player starts with 7 random habits/facts about themselves. People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their seven things, as well as these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose 7 people to get tagged & list their names. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged.

Delusions are kicking in, bare with me ^_^

1. I am a pack rat for all things, porn included. I have the boxes for old Action figures in my closet, but have long lost the actual figurine itself XD

2. i have no problem expressing my stupidity at my collection of Pornography. All ~2.1 Terabytes of it. ^_^

3. Barq's > All. Period.

4. My room, thats always a mess, is actually my organized office. If you wanna borrow something that i know i have, i can go to a certin corner and/or desk drawer and easily pull it out. IE: Iced Earth Alive in Athens collection is at the foot of my bed underneath my old Black hoodie ^_^ <-- Screenshot later ^_^

5. I like women that argue, and have an opinion they will fight over. Does that make me the luckiest guy in the world?

6. Thinking is not something I do well. I usually say something thats absolutely retarded at the situation, making myself a complete fool, without thinking about WTF Im going to say. Sorry to all who this has occured to. And my family tests this every night, they get a laugh out of my "slowness".

7. My Friends are my family. I'll do anything I can to help. Just gimme a ring. =D

Everyone's been tagged, so i really cant, can i? XD
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