Jun 27, 2011 17:10
It was incredibly difficult to prise myself from beneath the blankets this morning. The sound of my alarm seemed alien after sixteen days without it and I groaned aloud the first moment I heard it. There it was; the final nail in the coffin of my holidays. I very quickly remembered my usual way of dealing with it, however, and managed to ‘snooze’ another 4 times (or forty minutes), prolonging the moment I would have to step out into the cold and back to the 9 to 5 reality.
That’s a coping mechanism that Sid seems to have learned from me, as I found myself being woken by 6am death metal (his alarm of choice) all through my holidays, which turned into 6:15am death metal, 6:30, and so on, until he finally climbed out of bed sometime after 7:30.
All in all, I had a great time on leave. I did a lot of spring cleaning, re-organised just about every cupboard we have in the house, and spent my last day of holidays giving myself The Most Painful Back Ever by spending four solid hours in the garden and cleaning the outside of the house.
I feel rested, relaxed and able to cope with the pressures at work again. All in all, I think I made a very wise decision in taking some time off.
Although now I feel like my brain needs exfoliating. As if all the old ideas, feelings and associations need to be sloughed away to expose all the New.
That will be my next project. If I ever figure out exactly how one can exfoliate one’s brain?