Вот так надо переводить Цветаеву!

Aug 10, 2012 11:34

My poems, written early, when I doubted
that I could ever play the poet’s part,
erupting, as though water from a fountain
or sparks from a petard,

and rushing as though little demons, senseless,
into a sanctuary, where incense spreads,
my poems about death and adolescence,
- that still remain unread! -

collecting dust in bookstores all this time,
where no one comes to carry them away,
my poems, like exquisite, precious wines,
will have their day!

Андрей Кнеллер (Andrey Kneller), 1983, родился в Москве, закончил Брандейз, живет в Бостоне.

Другие переводы (Блок, Пушкин, Маяковский, Высоцкий, и др.)- здесь


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