The stilling numbness of Integers

Oct 21, 2020 16:59

Hi, Bone-eyes! It is 5 pm, I am making crib notes for old-fashioned Energy fashions, volume halfway-done.

The fashionability of energy modes--old white guys in ties, is this who deems the "coolest" way to fuel one's car? You wouldn't listen to them unless they hid behind ten walls of hip hop!

The succulents I replanted got the raw material they needed below them--then, to seal the deal, you gotta move them away from the light they desire! Direct light, they fizzle or stunt. Out of reach, they become all they can be in the craziest way. And there is a lesson for us all: You will best when yearning vigorously. So are you?

Me? No, I'm beaten down as hell. But heart does rush with what I know is good. It's good, I know it.

ah, the surburban wind of evening is seasoned with the scent of animal food
just took a few short looks at the dallas morning news: "Coronavirus: What you Need to Know." "Cast of Seinfeld Unites to try to turn Texas Blue." "Guess how many coyote sightings Frisco has had in the last 30 days"
I lost the thread of that journalism tone so long ago, now it sounds so folksy and cutely out-of-touch...
Dispatches from the Sidelines of the Oregon Trail

Send a havo to my needo!
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