Get this cuz you're never gonna get me...

Sep 10, 2004 20:30


God damnit I cant take anymore! So many prepies at skewl trying to make me conform... turn me into a robot slave to the systeym... Im not sure how much longer I can hold on ~~~ IM L0OSING GRIP ON MY SaNITY!!! I feel lke a beest is rising up inside me, a demon is wurking his dark magic inside my tummy... geting ready to pop out... I feel like Ive already become a danger to be around all I can think about is murder and my own demise. I need to feel payne, death is all I think about.

Me and Zack found a old ojuida board in the closet, its so rad you can talk to demuns and dead people and stuff. Anywayz so we figured we'd try and talk to the darkest most tourtured soul on the mortal plain... Dani Filth!!! So we set everything up and even put the sacrficial blood offering on my chicken bone alter, we couldnt really get real blud so we squeezed some from a steak zacks mom wuz about to cook but it wuz all good. We set up the board and shit and did the sacrfice and werked on it until zacks mom called us for din din but we culd never talk to Dani... I guess its becuase hes still alive, I figured his evilness would transend all realms of existance.

GUh. My dad made me so pissed 2day when i got home... I loathe his very flesh. He saw the sw33t Marlyin Mansun tattoo mekinzie was giving me wit his scharpies and his flipped out. I dont knwo why they have to be so oppressive and totoliritairinion if I want to do somthign with my body its my body!?!!! arr0000gga!! So he wuz pissing me off so much and shoutging lyke a faschist that i just started screaming the lyrics to Surfacing at the top of my lungs lolz that shut him uP. After i quit singing he just looked at me and sed i dont know what i can do with you sun... fukking pig he doesnt know me Im not his son he doesnt care about me and just wants to judge me. I told him to put me in a psycho ward so that i culd be with my own kind, that shut him up.
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