Dec 03, 2009 03:00
- 07:35 Long day at work ahead. My car is done, however, so I get to give back the rental later today :). #fb
- 10:16 @ LaurenHolly Only got to read part of your blog 'cause I have to get back to work. But I can relate on some level (i.e. rollercoasters). :)
- 12:07 @ niceeg You can do it person! I feel like there's so much writing shit to do this semester. It sucks ass!
- 12:16 @ Jess21 Yeah, I got to bed a little earlier than the night before. Still not relieved of stress though. SO much left to do.
- 12:17 @ Jess21 P.S. Glad you got your water back! :)
- 12:18 This day is going by so slowly at work. Probably because I'm doing dinky things. Le sigh...Will be in the CC soon for lunch. Come see me #fb
- 12:49 @ Jess21 in capa or admissions?
- 12:55 @ Jess21 Lol oh. No new person yet. I was around for a couple of the interviews but as far as I know, no one's been hired.
- 12:58 @ Jess21 gah I was so distracted reading ur tweet. Haha who is it? Is it karla's sister?!
- 13:21 Don't understand how so many CAPA students call to see if they meet for class. I'm not in the class! Get in contact with your prof Geez! #fb
- 14:01 @ Jess21 Aw how cool! LOL I'm glad she got the job. I know Karla was worried 'cause her sister had put her bro in law down as a reference.
- 15:44 @ Jess21 I just asked and I guess Lorena is starting next Monday :). Yay! I'm excited hehe.
- 18:00 My baby is back after $3700+ of repairs! I can't wait to drive it again...ah finally :). #fb
- 22:03 Enough procrastination for now. Cracking down on my to do list. Good TV and ficage just had to take precedence tonight! #fb
- 23:43 @ add3k There are such things as teacup pigs...dwarf pigs...forget the real name. But they stay tiny!
- 23:46 @ add3k Here we go. Teacup pigs:
- 23:51 @ add3k Aren't they? Lol They have them in England...there's gotta be away that you guys have them/can get them :P.
- 23:54 @ add3k Haha I think it's definitely worth at least that. They're so cute! Your mom can't say no to that *crosses fingers*.
- 23:58 @ add3k Aw sad day. Bunnies are cute too. Or how about a chinchilla?
- 00:05 @ add3k Lol Then definitely go with a bunny ^-^. I was just trying to name small pets you could possibly get hehe.
- 00:38 I was so not motivated to do that lesson plan, but it's done nonetheless. A little bit of reading and then hitting the hay.
- 02:13 The very last chapter of the Last Lecture basically ruined the whole thing for me and made it pointless. Oy...#fb
- 02:34 Just felt like ending the night with this. RT @givesmehope - Like FML, but for optimists! #fb
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