Nov 03, 2004 12:42
Kerry Conceded! WOO! Oh wait... I still don't care. Whoops! Looks like we're in for another four years of me busting balls. But here's a few points about this election year that have pissed me off:
- MTV Nation. First of all, let me say that ever since I went to the Warped Tour, it has become painfully obvious that a movement in pop culture that has been over-exemplified is the utter disdain people have for George Bush. I don't know what the hell it is, but it seems like every queer in a emo/nu-metal band has spoken out against him. Listen to me: I don't care what you think. Generally people like Good Charollette aren't good enough for me to even be around. I'm sorry, but I'm not the only person who thinks P Diddy can go fuck himself. Why would I think that these people, who personality-wise are less than dirt, influence my vote? Am I to actually believe that people like this are genuinely well-informed about key issues and problems? NO. Celebrities and politics should never come together, because they are only concerned with themselves. Not that too many others aren't, but why the hell would a person who makes $5 Million per movie give a damn about tax cuts? Case in point, "Vote or Die"? I think I'd rather die than be involved with this democratic process.
- The Youth Vote. Kind of ties in with the MTV thing but the biggest concern to me is this: I have had kids younger than I am, who can't even participate, telling me to go vote on November 2. And this concerns me why? Because it has never been so clear that impartial coverage of this election was non-existant. Not only do people encourage their kids based on their own belief, but the news organizations are doing it for the bad parents too! It doesn't make any sense. People generally see me as a liberal, because I was originally very against W. But keep this in mind, while every one was saying I was a moron for not wanting to go to war, entertainers like the Dixie Chicks were being crucified over it. Today, they're revered by millions simply because of it. Now that Bush has become such an anti-christ in a young society I actually favor him more.
- Those who won't admit fault. Now I've said that people view me as a liberal, but I think I'm more of a moderate. I really don't care for either of the candidates too much, but I believe that both had good qualities about them, and of course both had bad qualities. I don't have a problem with that, but I do have a problem with a Right Wing scumbag who says Bush never did anything wrong, or the Left Wing jackass who claims Bush never did anything right. It's just dumb!! There's no reason to believe anything anyone tells you nowadays! Everyone is so self motivated - the only way you can really know the issues is if you look for the cold hard facts with no other outside sources influencing it. And that may be the hardest thing to do EVER. If you support your candidate that is all well and fine by me, but don't be a goddamn facist and tell me why I'm wasting my vote by voting for someone who doesn't share your view. I've got three words for that: Freedom of Choice. And finally...
- American Politics. This has been one of the worst elections I have ever seen. Granted I've actually paid attention to three, but still, I think among smear tactics and mudslinging, this is the dirtiest election I've witnessed. Not only did so many other factors about each candidate's past and history come up that wasn't even relevant, there was also the huge inaccuracies on behalf of both parties. It made me a little embarressed to be a part of it. Here's a thought: if we're supposed to be in a war, why is there an election going on? In a wartime status, there is no need because if another President were elected it would slow down the process every four years trying to realign war tactics and general ideas of the desired outcome. Why are we having an election? Because there's NO FUCKING WAR going on. It is a military action. A war is when two sides attack each other repeatedly. They attacked us once, and we've been attacking them ever since. And who are they really? Iraqis? Afaghans? No, terrorists! Ah, the terrorists that are so easily identifiable that a person other than a Middle Easterner can in no way be involved. Oh you silly Americans, why, even American citizens are joining the fight FOR terrorism. That seems like a great motivator among the actual population to keep supporting the "war". Freedom is on the march. It's just too bad we're marching over so many innocent corpses.
In the end, I sincerely hope our re-elected President does well in the second term. I mean if you're really a Kerry supporter what do you do now? Do you bitch about it and pout? No, you do what Senator Kerry did, and (as reports say, very classily) with a heavy heart respectfully concede the presidency and wish Georgie luck in the next four years. But of course, you can always go the way of a jackass and hate for no reason. There's nothing else to say about that but grow up. This is democracy in action. Not that your vote means anything really, but in retrospect all democracy is really is participating in government action, which you did when you voted, no matter if it counted or not. Good for those of you who actually voted; me however, decided not to even register. Still, I would have voted for Nader anyway, not that it mattered, because New Jersey will NEVER, NEVER be a swing state. Bush actually came here, and Kerry didn't and he still won it. So what does that say about us? Well, America, hope you're right about this one, let's see where it takes us before the next election. Four more beers!
Hey, here's something before I go, I don't know who the skinheads were voting for, but if you believed in Hitler, Adolf Hilter supposedly went down to his basement and shot himself in the head, so do us a favor: Follow your leader.