Feb 16, 2005 01:03
Hmm...I have no clue what to write about but i felt the urge to update, maybe once i get going i'll make something worth reading haha probably not but i'll try!! REALLY getting tired of school and that's final! No matter how hard i seem to try, i do not show for it what so ever and it frustrates me, i think i'm taking that as a sign that something is not for me maybe, i think that it is but i really have to be into something i don't like having to go around all of these things just to get to something you want to be. I mean who invented college to be like that?? Why can't everyone have an idea of what they want to do and start to just take the basics and know and learn everything about what they want to do?? i mean high school was for the bascis right? so leave it at that, sometimes i wish i could make up all of he rules, but everything is not about me right, right! :( I did find something that i might get into along the line after this that is in the OB/GYN area and it's all training for it and i'm excitied and im going to really try to see what all that is about, and it's in Indianapolis! How perfect is that!! I hope it all works out!
And well life is going pretty well except for obviously the school part haha but im hanging in there it's almost over and break is in like 2 weeks, im soo excitied about that! Love life of course is going SO SO SO well like always, we seem to be a little happier everytime, just one of those things you notice i guess. His voice everyday :) i love and long for the happiness to pick me up sometimes I dont know where i would be right now without you, not even nearly as happy and like i said i would never want to try to find that with ANYONE else, and you better remember that :) i wouldn't want to loose you for anything! I'll be here no matter whaT in every way i will do anything for you "just to see you smile". You make me feel so complete. I can't wait to have our talk here really soon about all the plans we are going to make, it's going to be so exciting to start a new life with you and be with you all of the time i couldn't be happier and owuldn't want to do it with anyone else! There's so much i could try to say but i could really go on forever! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!
So this weekend might suck a little since i have to stay up here and everyone has things going on i guess..hmm just my luck when im here i am stuck at this damn apartment to do NOTHING! We'll see though i guess someting might happen, i hope it's halfway decent outside or something, i guess i will just get some work done or whatever, damn doesn't that sound fun haha :)...
Well i guess im done rambling i'm even getting tired of writing about nothing really, so talk to you guys later, and maybe you guys could try to comment..hmm good idea!!