Jul 10, 2010 16:34
Yeah, that's a cheesy title for my post. But it's true all the same.
Ianto Jones, a year ago you were finished off by the petty prejudice of a B-grade writer. But what you had come to mean to all who loved you was so strong that one year on we still remember and cherish you as much as ever.
In Stephen Moffat's Whoniverse, if one remembers something strongly enough, then one can make that thing come back. I'd be tempted to test this, but for me you never left. You have always been there in my mind, and you'll always be there. There is not a single day when I haven't thought of you. For me you transcend all the slights that the writers subjected you to -- the unequal 'relationship', the neglect, the disrespect.
You are a truly unusual, inspiring character; and I'll never forget you.
ianto jones