Copied from
jo02 :
Go to your Calendar and find the first entry for each month of 2009 (in my case I have taken the first non-fic entry for each month).
Post the first line of it in your journal, and that's your "Year In Review."
Hello to all fellow LJ-ers. Let's see if I can figure out the LJ cut thing!
(Please note that I am not bashing the Ianto/Jack pairing or Ianto/Jack fics in general; there are several excellent fics out there that I've really enjoyed)
Here are my thoughts about the radio play 'Golden Age' that aired on 2nd July on BBC Radio 4.
I've had some odd dreams about Torchwood recently.
BBC Three is showing reruns of Doctor Who, so last night I watched 'Utopia'.
In the last two days I re-watched the final two episodes of Doctor Who Series 3: 'The Sound of Drums' and 'The Last of the Time Lords'.
Many of us love the character Ianto Jones of Torchwood and many of us have extended that love to Gareth David-Lloyd because of his splendid portrayal of the character.