Aug 02, 2005 23:06
Yesterday, I decided that I was finished with Diablo 2. Any further clicking spent on that game would be silly, I reasoned. It's time for me to join the modern age, instead of trying to live in the past. I'm going to go buy World of Warcraft and be cool again.
WRONG! Diablo 2 patch released today. Illusion of fresh content. Excitement of game restored (or is that the booze talking?). On the bright side, that's another $50 + monthly fees towards the engagement ring fund. But damn, you blizzard assholes sure know how to lead a guy on with your "oh, we don't care about diablo anymore" attitude while you're secretly figuring out how to sucker me back in again...
I think I'm in denial. I was working late today, and I got as far as pushing the dial button on my phone to call home and apologize to rissa for being late before I remembered that she wouldn't care because she wasn't at home. Bah.