
Mar 09, 2006 11:07

One thing that probably man does much better than God (or Nature or Divine or Whatever you might attribute as the cause and effect of natural phenomenon) is making labels and sticking the labels. Neo-Con, Con, Liberal, Right of Center, Left of Left etc. etc. World abounds in labels. What makes us humans label? I always wondered. Some many times I have observed my mind go into this labelling spree. I can almost hear the mental label printer go berserk chugging out one label after another. So what is that makes me and I am sure a lot of other people (surely there are enlightened exceptions) associate and attach labels to other humans? Is it because the mind cannot handle uncertainty and thereby attaching a label is like grouping a human (who actually is subject to change every moment) into a limited set of possibilities and bringing him/her into familiar ground? Truely it takes a lot to be open to all people and situations. Only an expanded mind can absorb all phenomenon and people and not let it fall into narrow catchments. So next time my mind goes 'sticky-labelling', I hope I can pause, observe, breath and let go. Victory to the Big Expanded Mind and Consciousness!!!
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