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May 30, 2009 13:10

Well as of Wednesday, Guinness had his first visit to the pediatrician. As she put it "he's perfect". He has gained weight and everything is in order.

As of yesterday I saw my doctor and I am healing well. I am still not allowed to drive for another two weeks, so that throws a wrench into things, but we have a way of making things work out. I also got a weigh in at the doctor's office. I am officially 193 pounds. Its been a few years since I was below the 200 mark so I am rather happy about it. As much as I don't mind being large, its amazing to know that I might fit into normal sized clothing someday. My old pants that I wore before pregnancy are fitting me again, but they are loosening up by the day. Its going to be a bit odd to have to wear a belt again. Also, the iron tablets SO need to go... I'm sick of feeling terrible in the tummy even if it will supposedly help with the anemia.

Naoki's end of the year celebration was yesterday and I got to see some singing, acting, and dancing on stage at her school. She was the narrator for their little skit about the Three Little Pigs. Her teacher made her the narrator due to her reading level. Several weeks ago she was tested on her reading and is reading on a second grade level... in kindergarten. She received an award for "most improved reader" in her class as well as for completing some programs in reading and math. I can't say that I'm not proud of her. I am a bit concerned for next year though due to having gone through the same "boredom" when having to sit through things that I already knew in class. They are talking of a special program for her though so that she isn't bored. I just hope that she doesn't let it go to her head.

Harold has been enjoying his vacation at home for this week. Unfortunately on Monday he goes back to work and I am going to miss him dearly here at home. He has been such a help with Guinness while I've been getting my mobility back, and I gotta admit I'm a bit scared of being without him during the daytime next week. Its going to be a bit of a challenge for me without him or Naoki here during the day but I think I can do it. He has been letting me sleep at night and getting up with the baby when he needs to be fed or changed and I am hoping to be able to return the favor now that I can actually get out of bed by myself. I know full well that he isn't looking forward to going back to work. Anytime I mention work to him he grumbles. I think he enjoys being home with us right now.

Other than that, things are good. The cats are slowly getting used to the routines around here, though poor Charlonne feels rejected a bit. She tends to hide a lot lately and seems sad when we do see her, but I think she will adjust over time. Templar doesn't seem to care and just lays around like he always has. Now to save some money to get both kitties into the groomer soon for some pampering.

Take care folks, I'm off to relax and get in some reading before the baby wakes up from his nap.
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