Dec 06, 2002 00:24
Well, here it is (hopefully) the long catching up post that is long overdue. For those of you in school or have been, you remember the last 3-4 weeks of the semester right....PURE HELL! Every day I have to look at my checkbook and go to my job to remind myself why the heck I'm doing this. But, as of today, I have no more classes for a solid month (mind you I still have finals, but I'm blocking those out for now). Good news is, I'm pretty much positive that I'm passing all my classes. If you'll remember from earlier posts...wasn't too sure that was going to happen. I'll pulled another one out, and that's all I'll say about that.
As for everything else...hmmm, homefront is good. My grandmother and I found a mutual understanding after 23 years of animosity. People that love me came out of the woodwork to help me financially so I was able to eat and not be evicted
(THANK YOU FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Thanksgiving was pleasant for the first time since I was old enough to remember.
What else do I need to fill people in on...oh, I've been having boys hit on me and stuff (which is NOT an everyday occurrence) so when it does happen, it's a nice ego-booster, and greatly appreciated during this state of stress and panic.
Can't think of much else, at least nothing that needs to be made public. I don't even have any new music these days. I blame that on the fact that my friend Melissa is AWOL. I know she's off on the east coast somewhere (one of the Carolinas) but I really thought she'd be back by now. I really need to call her. But yeah, so if anyone has any cool new music, comment and let me know. I'm starting to go through withdrawls. I love John Mayer, but I can only listen to so much of him. And I don't think I've ever gone this long w/o a new artist. Earlier tonight I broke out the Lil Kim CD and got excited cuz there was a song I hadn't heard 50 times. I think my neighbors got scared when I was jammin out to "How Many Licks" but you know what, it was fun! MUAHAHAHA!
Okay, I'm done, I'm outtie, whatever.
(and I'm stealing this from Luigina cuz it's cute)