on this Sun and Mon (8/22-8/22), i went to the mendocino coast with my family for a two days and one night trip~~ most of u may wonder wut the heck is this mendocino coast... well, all i can say is that it's just a coast where "a bird can't even lay its own eggs"~~ (please translate this phrase in chinese.. ^^ll) so you guys can get the image of how much i miss the city of fremont hahaha~~ =P at least i can eat some good food here~ however, that place is actually not that bad lah~~ in fact, it provides some good sceneries~~ below is a perfect ex:
nice pic eh?? =)
so after the 4 hrs of the soring-my-butt ride, we finally arrived the place~~ the first thing we did was to go visitig the botanical-gardens~~ the first thing i saw in the garden was surprisingly not the flowers, but a... FAT CAT!! but o well, he/she is pretty cute ne~~ ^///^ tho lazy like a pig, he/she was pretty easy to get along with~~ when i mewed to him/her, he/she eventually mewed me back!!! awww... nice kitty~~ XP
umm.. 怎麼牠舔身體的姿勢那麼怪﹖﹖ 那隻腳抬得真是....不優雅呀~~ =_+ll
i finally saw some flowers here~~ ^_^;; haha~~ see my joy in the pic?? ^_-
大理花!! pretty pretty~~ this garden has various colors for the dahila~
as we kept walking north inside the garden, we headed the ocean!! haha~~ pretty nice view of the ocean, but the weather was not that good.. pretty cloudy huh..
小插曲~~ 以下這兩位是我老爸和老媽啦~~ 很有老夫老妻的感覺吧﹖^^
aww.. 兩個人互相扶持一直到白頭到老~~ how sweeeeeeet!! ^///^
then, we went to the wharf~~ 別小看這個高難度動作~~
由於這死船一直跟着海水搖, 而且我腳底踩的也有點跟着水飄, 所以我全身都很難平衡下去~~只要一個站不穩就死定啦~~ =;=
更別被我抱木頭的親密樣給騙了~~ 事實上那木頭髒死了~~ 一大堆鳥屎在上面!!! T_T
再說我也很怕一個不小心就掉進水裡了~~ 可怕呀~~
the second day we went to take the skunk train~~ basically it is a train that takes ppl into a forest to see some red woods~~ 嘿嘿~~ 不用走路的森林浴可真是棒呀~~ 只是...好冷呀~~!!看我的頭髮飛成那樣想也知道那風有多大了厚﹖
then, on our way home, we stopped by some view points to see the perfectly BLUE + CLEAR ocean!! gosh~! so much better than yesterday's "gray" ocean!! the weather can surely make such a great difference huh~~
hehehe~~ gorgeous view neh~~ ^o^
哈~~ 看我多感動看到與昨天完全不同的美麗藍天+海呀~~ XD