CONGRATS TO THE CLASS OF 2005!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WE MADE IT~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^O^
2005 graduation pix our graduation ceremony was ironically joyous~~ i saw no one cried... =_+ll i guess it was because we were too happy to see our old friends (abel, albert, angie, aster, jeff, jen, joe, ling, martin, sabrina, and yuan)!! hey u guys!!! thanx for coming!!!! i luv you guys!!!! >/////< well, i think the central park is not a good place for graduation ceremony because it's too small~~ after the ceremony, the place got so crowded that i had hard time to find my friends!! >O< however, as soon as i found them, we took so many pictues hahaha~~ the bad thing was that i lost my cell phone on the way to find my friends!! hence, aster called my cell, and we found out that someone took my cell phone! Fortunately, the person who took it gave me her phone number, and she told me to pick it up at her house tomorrow~ ^_^ about 10:00 p.m., we left the central park~~ we were the last ones to leave! the 2004 graduates went to sabrina's house, and the 2005 graduates went to sweet tomato for dinner~ after the six of us (agatha, amy, eric, me, tommy, and yi) ate our dinner, we went to echo to sing karaoke~~ we sang for two hours and left at 3:00 a.m.~~ ^^; we were exhausted, but we had a lot of fun!! XD however, i still don't feel like i am a high school graduate~~ =P