Hi! ^^

Apr 19, 2006 18:13

Anou saaaaaaa...? Aa...aa...my name is Lamb...? I'm being Hinata-ish, I know, but I'm always like this when I'm introducing myself...I'm really glad I found this community actually - and am kind of alarmed I didn't look for it sooner - but I'm in serious need of...anou...help.

You see, I'm the author of a small fanfiction titled None the Wiser (I doubt anyone's heard of it) a doubly reversable Sasuke x Naruto pairing that can be found here:


The fic is one I really, REALLY love writing (and a few people apparently like, which is a first) and I've been working hard through a thick barrier of Writer's Block in order to get the newest chapter finished. And - at twenty VERY long pages - it finally is.

Sounds good, right? Well, the only thing is that ALL FIVE OF MY BETAS are MIA, and have been ever since I finished a few weeks ago. I can't really blame them - school is really hectic right now - but it's driving me nuts to have the chapter just sitting around like this. I can't post it without BETAing...it's always TERRIBLE when I do. I'm so bad with errors, just becauseI t pye os dam fats. (Like that.)

Would anyone mind BETAing the chapter for me...? Pleeeeease? I'd be really grateful...

I have it posted in my lj here: http://tsuzukinoai.livejournal.com/5667.html

That's the first part. I had to break it in two pieces because it's so long... -frazzled-

Thankyou for your time... -blushblushbowbowbow-
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