I'm officially a Doctor Who fan! **flails some more** So, Friday night I come home just before 11pm. Battlestar Galactica was ending--and I was taping it so I didn't want to be spoiled by the ending. I turned on the TV a couple minutes after BSG ended and rewind my tape, and as I did this, Doctor Who came on. It was the "The Doctor's Daughter" episode. I'm a sucker for newly-discovered-fatherhood stories. So I watched and forgot to hit play to watch BSG.
As I said above, I love newly-discovered-fatherhood stories, and this episode was it. I love Jenny and the Doctor's reaction to her. I sort of figured out that she would die at the end--except not by a bullet. When Donna figured out the war started seven days ago and they remembered that the war had been going on for generations, I was like "OMG, Jenny! Poor Doctor! She's only going to live a day!". And the dying scene was awesome (in a sad way). I love the Doctor's reaction to Jenny's death and how he pointed the gun at the old guy's head. **hugs the Doctor** The poor, poor man! And I so want the Doctor and Jenny to find each other again. They need too.
This episode also had me reading Doctor Who fanfiction (with Doctor/Jenny reunion of course). I'm completely clueless on some of the stuff like history
This was not the first Doctor Who episode I've seen. I've seen the first handful of episodes with Rose and the Nineth Doctor. I don't think I've seen any Martha episodes (maybe pieces of some). I liked the episodes I've seen with Rose, but I wasn't like "Oh, must record the show" and "OMG, I have to watch the next epiosde!". And so, over Saturday and Sunday, I downloaded the first handful of episodes from this season (I wanted to download/watch episodes from Rose until present but haven't found some--looking into buying the seasons which are really expensive). I wasn't so thrilled with Donna from watching her in "The Doctor's Daughter". I preferred Rose. And then I watched "Partners in Crime" and completely loved her. lol, I love the scene where she sees the Doctor for the first time (points to icon). Donna is great! I love her witty comments and her interaction with the Doctor.
I now need a Doctor Who wallpaper from my desktop and a Doctor Who layout and mood theme. :P And I so want to make Doctor Who icons.
Also? I need to watch more episodes. Why can't Sci-Fi have a Doctor Who marathon on?