Title: Her Confession
Author: CherryFlower05
Summary: She insisted he was bad lucky and he called her danger prone but in the end of it all they fell in love. A series of ‘how we met’ and ‘horrible dates’
Author's Note:
Sakura giggled behind her uchiwa while watching her boyfriend. He looked rather displeased. Sakura knew that he was displeased. Tonight was supposed to be boy’s night and it got canceled because of the festival tonight. Sakura was dressed beautifully in a lime green kimono while Sasuke looked extra handsome in his black hakama and haori. The festival was themed around an old Japan legend about two wizards- thunder and lightning. It was often told to smaller children during stormy weathers when they became scared of the booming thunder and flashing lightning.
“Come on Sasuke-kun the show is starting!” Sakura exclaimed pulling on his arm. Sasuke shook his head at her childish behavior. She really was a handful.
The play had already started by the time they reached. The narrator had already come forward to make her opening remarks.
“Long ago in Ancient Japan there lived two powerful wizards.” She said. She paused and waited for two men to come forward. One was dressed in white and the other in a pale yellow. “One was name Thunder.” She continued. As she spoke, the lights dimmed and the spotlight hit the male dressed in yellow. “And the other was name Lightning.” The spotlight changed to the male dressed in white. “These two wizards were long time rivals and always tried to outdo each other when using their magic to help others.” Behind the narrator, the two men began to make erratic movements. “One day there was a great storm that flooded Ancient Japan. The water raised and raised and people cried for help.” In the audience, people jumped as they heard the thunder roll and the beating of the rain. “The two wizards quickly realized the situation and rushed to the location where the water was the deepest. Thunder had reached first and went to work.” The audience turned their attention to where the male in yellow. He suddenly rose up into the air and there were surprised gasps. “Thunder shot his magic on the water and with a resounding loud boom, his spell was casted. However, to his surprise, the water hadn’t gone away.” The actor faked looks of shocked and embarrassment. “Lightning then arrived and laughed at Thunder’s failure.” The male in white appeared and was seen laughing at the other male, “Lightning rose into the air and summoned his magic.” The male in white rose in the air and looked as if he was chatting something, “He then casted his spell in a wave of lights, attacking the water viciously.” The audience looked away as flashes of light appeared blinding them. “However, Lightning was unable to make the water go away. The two wizards became worried. They had no idea what they should do! They thought and thought and then they realized the only solution.” The audience watched as the two actor whispered to each other and then shook hands, “They had decided, if they couldn’t make the water go away on their own, then they would work together and see if that would work.” The audience watched as Thunder and Lightning summoned their magic together and struck at the water. There was loud booming sound followed by flashes of light. When everything settled down, the water had disappeared. “It had worked! The two wizards’ magic proved to be more powerful than the water and they were able to make it go away. Japan’s people praised and thanked the wizards but the wizards knew it wasn’t over. There would be more great storms and more great floods just like this. Looking at Ancient Japan they swore, ‘If the waters were ever attempt to claim their lands, their magic would be summoned and make the water go away.’ After that, the two wizards disappeared but since then people have always said that whenever rainstorm came, they could hear Thunder and Lightning looking over the land making sure it would never be claim by the water again.”
The audience applauded and Sakura cheered loudly and jumped around happily. “Wasn’t that amazing Sasuke-kun?!” she asked. Sasuke didn’t reply. These types of celebrations weren’t something he felt very comfortable in. He quickly pulled Sakura away before the narrator could give the closing remarks. She pouted.
“Mou Sasuke-kun you’re being really mean today but I mean that’s kinda normal to.” Sakura said. She tugged on her arm that Sasuke held in his capture and sighed, “I mean really there is no need to look so sour. It makes me wonder sometimes why I ever fell in love with you.”
Sasuke froze and Sakura gasped quickly realizing what she said. She had just confessed! So yes it was true that they were dating for a while but neither had yet to confess their feelings for each other and Sakura certainly didn’t want to be the one to make that move.
“Gomen.” She whispered. She could feel the tears gathering in her eyes, “Gomen just forget that I said that please.”
She covered her hands over her mouth before running- running anywhere but towards Uchiha Sasuke.