Submissions and sign ups are going to be different this year, so please don't skip over this post! (Note: This only applies to those doing fanfiction. If you're making fanart or AMVs, please scroll toward the end.) We're posting these directions up early to hopefully clear up any confusion before sign ups begin, so please direct any and all questions to the
Q&A post and we'll be sure to help you out!
Basically, in the effort to streamline the event, mods are going to be handling all of the posting this year. Yes, this means you're going to be e-mailing your submissions to us and we'll handle the rest! Convenient, right?
So, in the simplest of terms, do this:
- Comment on the sign-up entry, signing up for a maximum of three prompts.
- Complete your submissions for those three prompts.
- Once you finish, e-mail those submissions to use at:
- Return to the sign-up entry and comment that you've e-mailed your submissions (and request three more prompts if you would like).
- Repeat as many times as you would like/until you've completed all the prompts you're interested in completing.
And that's it! We'll handle the rest! Simple? Make sense? Again, questions/comments/concerns, hop on over to the
Q&A post and we'll help you out.
About e-mailing (please note this is for fanfiction only)
1. Please fill out the following form for each submission:
Title: The Amazing Name of Your Epic Story
Author: (username @ LJ or FFN)
Summary: This is where you give a brief (two or three sentences), but captivating description of your story.
Rating: K (for anyone), T (mild language/adult situations), or M (graphic sexual situations and/or violence). No other ratings, please.
Prompt: The one word prompt that inspired you to write this masterpiece.
Warning(s): You must warn for
triggers. Everything else can be warned about at your own discretion.
Notes: If there's anything else you'd like to add, you can do so here.
2. Send ONE submission per e-mail.
3. Please attach the file (.docx, .doc, and .rtf are all acceptable) to the e-mail.
DA and YouTubers: The sign-up and submission system above is to ensure submissions come in at a steady rate, so us mods aren't buried alive with post formatting right before the event. Fanart and AMVs, however, were submitted at deviantArt and YouTube with mods simply embedding/linking the works here on LJ. We're going to do that again. So anyone doing fanart or AMVs can sign-up for as many prompts as they want from the start, but please be sure to wait and post your fan works until the day of the prompt. Once you've posted, just comment/message us so we know to cross-post for you!
March 28th: Sign-ups begin
May 31st: Sign-ups close (you can still send in submissions)
June 13th: FINAL SUBMISSION DEADLINE. After this date, we will no longer be accepting submissions.
July 1st: We will begin posting!
Note: commenting on this entry has been disabled. Please direct any questions to the
Q&A post, thank you!