Title: Bad Re-runs and Salty Soup
Author: Rot-chan
Genre: Humor/a hint of Romance
Setting: AU, Japan
Summary: Eventually, not one to follow advice from Ino or her magazines, Sakra gave up completely on the 'subtle and sexy' approach and simply faxed Sasuke in magic marker: 'Will you go on a date with me?'
Notes: gift-fic for my LJ friend Omaewa. She requested "Sakura nurtures a bedridden Sasuke". They're all about 24-27, coworkers in the office. I instantly thought of, for whatever reason, Mark Ruffalo taking care of a suddenly sick Drew Barrymore in Fever Pitch and I was inspired :) Happy reading. Reviews are love. (By the way, my use of Tangled is a reference to Omaewa's fave movie.)
Fake-cut to my journal