Jan 29, 2004 21:26
So I watched the snow fall today.
It was a bit cold to go outside and train. And no I'm not delicate! I'm just being cautious. I don't have parents like some spoiled kids to take care of me when I"m sick you know.
And I refuse ANYONE to take care of me. (That includes certain girls)
So I stayed home. Watching through my foggy cold window as the snow fell silently on the world outside. A world which I do not belong. I could see my breath in my own house... but I didn't want to warm it up. Perhaps I'm too lazy, but it's annoying to do house chores. Cleaning the fireplace being one of them.
So I just bundled up in a blanket, got myself some warm milk, and studied a few jutsu scrolls in between the times I looked outside.
Was I lonely? A bit. But I enjoy my solitude.