Never had such a busy day like today before o,ô
But god reward me with a phonecall~
from my beloved
We phoned about...3 hours 0_o Sure -
it was fun in any way <3
Talked about lot of stuff,
like Loveless and so on.
I guessed from her voice, that she was tired...XD
didnt sleep
honey? *hugs*
Well, i was tired too...
I didnt slept that much in
the last days.
One of the
reason was this damn Leaving Magazine.
I have to tipe everything into word und
form it to pdf...tons of work @_@
Well, i hope i will be done with that
If not, we have a big
big big problem...>_<
Oki, back to the phonecall with
<3 we found a lot of Loveless Fansites
*rrrRrRr~ fangirly site awaking*
*_* ahmagud~ we found so awsome sites.
Lot of ZERO Fanarts <3
Especially YoujixNatuso (*poking her sweetie~*) <3
They uber cute to each other.
Real Fighter and Sacrifier, heh?
They cannot live without each
Even when they wouldnt be allowed.
They would die together...
before someone would try to split them up.
Im asking me, if Soubi thinks the same for Ritsuka.
I mean Semei isnt there - at the moment.
I read somewhere here in LJ, that someone
would say in
volume 5 "Semei ga ikiteru || Semei is alive"...
I really hope, that Soubi and Ritsuka became a
couple. I like this pair <3~
Its 10000000 better than SoubixSemei. T_TV~
Ritsuka rules~ >_<
But YamatoxKouya (YES! Yamato is the seme.
Who told me Kouya would
be the Seme!? ò___o) is so cute..
I thinked at first Kouya would be an uber cool
and cold girl,
who has no friends and blah~And Yamato would be that typ girl, who isnt able
to love another girl. Specially Kouya. Yamato acts more like a funny guy O_o
for real now.
I guess, shes trying to suppress her real feelings
for Kouya at first.
I mean shes playing a girl,
who dont care about her fighter. O.o hmmm~
But in the ends Yamato is showing her real Really cute.
I love them <3 I hope they will appear
once again in Loveless...
Hm, somehow it was a lucky day...
o_o phoned with my beloved uke...
and finally i found the BLEACH Ost T_T
Its...its....more than amazing!! Awesome!!~~
And i found
the second opening ->
fullversion +
third ending -> fullversion *_*
Im starting to LOVE this opening...the lyrics
correspond to the truth. >_<
I love Shiro Sagisu. Especially for "Going home"
and "Will of the Heart"~
But well, i hate the middle part of "Will of the Heart"...
it sounds gay. >_>
I only like the piano solo parts <3 <3 <3~
Aw~ im looking foward to find the Loveless OST soon.
I wanna listen this french(?) music in the background
- When Ritsuka and Soubi fight against SLEEPLESS
- And when Yamato and Kouya having their
dialog in Episode 10
If someone have the Loveless OST..
Uhm...please...let me know it |D;; XDDD
0_o i forget to write about the meeting
was a lot of fun ^^
running through the
city...till to point XD"
You know what im talkin' about,
dont u
ku-chan? ;3 *laugh* ^^
We talked about a lot of stuff o_o hmm...
About...about...MIYAVI! *_*
how godlike
he is and blah <3
We decieded, that we wanna have a piercing
now too.
Like miyavi-sama D:
ah ma gud...we are such fangirls XDDD
unbelieveable ^__^
Its so late now...
Im getting tired...;_;" and noone is online.
Ill go too |D~
G'naito~ *wave* ^^