So, I haven't posted in months, because nothing much is happening that I actually want to talk about or am able to talk about without stabbing someone, so instead I present yet more work quotes:
Customer #1: *notices me stocking prepackaged cheese from boxes in a cart* Are all those boxes full of cheese.
Me: Uh ... yes.
Customer #2(seems to be his wife or girlfriend): *ignores him and speaks to me* Which of these is sharper, the Double Glouchester or the Uniekaas Reserve.
Me: Well, the Double
Glouchester is a traditional English cheddar-style cheese, so it's going to be quite sharp, but the
Uniekaas is a gouda, so it's going to have more of a sweetness.
Customer #1: Cheddar is from Europe?
Me: Yes, it's named for a town in England.
Customer #1: There was a mouse from Europe, that was always eating a big hunk of cheddar.
Me: Uh ... 8D *dead eyes*
Customer #1: Yeah, it was a mouse ... from Europe? And it had cheddar.
Me: 8D
Customer #1: A mouse! From Europe, right?
Customer #2: *gives him a dirty look and pulls him out of my department*
Me: 8'D
Oddly enough, he didn't even seem to have any sort of syndrome. And also ...
Me: Can I help you find anything today? :) *sparkles*
Customer: No, I'm just homing in like a heat-seeking missile on the
Cotswold here.
Me: *after he leaves, to co-worker* But ... the Cotswold's in the refrigerator. A heat-seeking missile wouldn't be able to find it.