Title: The Rainbow Connection
sastiel_bigbangWord Count: 31,415
Rating: E
Characters & Pairing(s): Sam/Castiel, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Kermit The Frog
Warning(s): Tentacle porn, crack
Summary: When Castiel seemingly died at the beginning of Season 7, Sam makes a wish to have him back. The Rainbow Unicorn appears and grants his wish. However, since Sam didn't mention any specifics, and the Rainbow Unicorn is a massive troll, Castiel is brought back as a giant talking octopus. While Dean and Bobby deal with the Leviathan problem, Sam and Cas go on a journey to find the Rainbow Unicorn in hopes of getting Castiel fixed. En route, they encounter a host of bizarre characters, including fairies, leprechauns, muppets and talking candies.
A/N: I would like to thank my betas, Oberon and Titania, for being awesome and putting up with my outrageous crack.
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