2013 Posting Guidelines

Nov 14, 2013 15:00

Here are the guidelines and requirements for posting! If you have any questions or need anything clarified, comment here below.

Leading up to their assigned posting day, authors and artists need to communicate to get ready. We would like both authors and artists to make a Master Post at their personal/writing/art journals (one for fic and one for art) and provide each other with the links.

For authors, essentially, we want a place people can go to where they will be navigated to the fic (whether you decide to host it in your journal, on an archive or somewhere else).

For artists, we want you to have a post in which you can get your own feedback. This doesn't mean the art can't be embedded throughout the story, there just needs to be a place specifically for feedback on the art.

Please be advised that you will not be posting the fic/art itself to the community. Details on what you will be posting to the community are further down. More detailed instructions are under the cuts.

  1. Post your fic on your personal/writing journal, then post a master list linking all parts of your fic if you are breaking it into multiple parts. Please also link each part to the one before and after it as this makes it much easier for your readers to navigate. Perhaps the easiest way to do this is to post everything ahead of time in Private, then make the posts Public on your posting date.
  2. If you are posting your fic on Archive Of Our Own (AO3), do include "Sastiel Big Bang 2013" as one of your tags and add your story to the "Sastiel Big Bang 2013" Collection. Posting to AO3 is optional, but recommended. If you don't have an AO3 account and wish to get one, you can send an e-mail to "sastielbigbang@gmail.com" with "AO3 Invitation" in the subject line, and we will send you an invitation.
  3. You can post to more than one place. Once you have posted on this community, you can cross-post wherever you want.
  4. You must link back to your artist and to your artist's art post (if available) so that they can get feedback as well.
  5. Please link back to the sastiel_bigbang community so that other fans are aware of the challenge and able to find more big bang entries to enjoy!
  6. Proofread your posts. Preferably, have your beta go over your summary and other information as well, so that everything is as polished as possible.
  7. Don't lock your posts. We want everyone to be able to access the fics without having to friend anyone or join anything. If the place you normally post in is locked, you may post your story to any Supernatural communities.

  1. Post your artwork on your personal/art journal, then post a master list linking all related pieces if you plan on splitting them between multiple posts. Perhaps the easiest way to do this is to post everything ahead of time in Private, then make the posts Public on your posting date.
  2. If you are posting your art on Archive Of Our Own (AO3), do include "Sastiel Big Bang 2013" as one of your tags and add your story to the "Sastiel Big Bang 2013" Collection. Posting to AO3 is optional.
  3. You must create a banner for the fic and have it on the community post. The maximum size of the banner is 500px(width) x 400px(height).
  4. You can post to more than one place. Once you have posted on this community, you can cross-post wherever you want.
  5. You must link back to your author and to your author's fic post so that they can get feedback as well.
  6. Please link back to the sastiel_bigbang community so that other fans are aware of the challenge and able to find more big bang entries to enjoy!
  7. Don't lock your posts. We want everyone to be able to access the art without having to friend anyone or join anything. If the place you normally post in is locked, you may post your art to any Supernatural communities.

Posting To The Community

This can be done by either the author or the artist. Just work out between each other who will be posting here. Please make sure that it is at a time when you can both unlock your master posts, so that both master posts will be unlocked at the time of posting.

Posting to the community is moderated. We will approve your post as long as you follow the instructions below and all your links work. Please do not change the order around or leave out any links. Your post will be rejected if it is not formatted exactly like this as we will be using the posts to the community to put together a Master List at the end of posting.

When posting, please make sure that the subject line of your post reads: Title (fandom, rating)
Fandom is either: SPN, RPF, or Crossover

This is what needs to be on your post to the community:

Word Count:
Rating: (G, T, M or E)
Characters & Pairing(s):

Link to fic:
Link to art:

You can add whatever you want to it (notes, beta credit, acknowledgments, disclaimer, etc.) and alter the alignments, but please do not leave out any of the listed items and fill them all out to the best of your ability.

Remember that the size of your banner must not exceed 500px(width) x 400px(height).

Also, we've created tags you can use for your master post entries. We'll add them in regardless, but it'd be great if you use them. :)
They are available in these categories: challenge: 2013, genre, rating, relationship, word count

If you need an example, click here: Sample Post

If you need any help (with coding, etc.) or have any questions that have not been covered in the FAQs, please comment on this post or send us a message.

.guidelines, .target: authors, .target: artists

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